DSGN06142 2019 Product Design 4 (Designer and Client)

General Details

Full Title
Product Design 4 (Designer and Client)
Transcript Title
Product Design 4 (Designer and
80 %
Subject Area
DSGN - 0212 Design
YADA - Yeats Academy Art Dsgn & Arch
06 - NFQ Level 6
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Angela Mehegan, David Roberts, Diarmuid Timmons, Louis McManus, Mr. Mark Rooney, Nevil Walsh, Barry McGuinness
Programme Membership
SG_DCRDS_B07 201900 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_H08 201900 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design SG_DCREA_B07 202300 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_B07 202400 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design SG_DCREA_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design

The Module focuses on solving design problems for external clients (when available and subject to meeting learning outcomes).  The collaborations are by direct contact with clients or through the ITSligo Innovation Centre and the Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher scheme.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Devise a design brief for a client.


Produce concepts/prototypes for presentation to the client


Demonstrate competence in the selection and costing of materials and processes with consideration given to environmental issues


Determine potential market size for designs and derive material, labour and production costs.


Demonstrate professional conduct with clients

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Industry/community based projects will be carried out over the course of the semester.

Clients present briefs to the students either in the classroom or on site at client's premises.

Students dissect the brief and formulate questions and queries which are communicated to the client.

Students will then create their own brief, incorporating the client feedback.

Students will work in studio and will meet with the client during and on completion of the project to present concepts, either in studio or on-site, whichever is most suitable.


Module Assessment Strategies

Each project is assigned a percentage from the overall module. Deliverables typically include all or some of the following:

User Research, Concept Development, Design Development, Model or Prototype, CAD and Presentation Material (inc Research Boards, Sketches, Sketch Models, Prototypes, Powerpoint and other 2D material and a Design Report)

A percentage mark is assigned for each deliverable, adding up to a total of 100%.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Projects

Indicative Syllabus

Live projects of varying length are undertaken during this semester.   In the absence of available externally sourced projects which address the relevant learning outcomes, students are given staff devised projects.

The emphasis of this module is on developing skills that build the relationship between the designer and client, ensuring that expectations of both the client and the student are understood and can be met.

In order to fulfil client expectations there has to be a clear brief. The designer needs to manage this process early in the relationship in order to establish project outcomes.

Professionalism in preparation and delivery of presentation material to the client.


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Project Client Presentation Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 4 1,2
2 Project Client Presentation Coursework Assessment Project 40 % Week 9 3
3 Project Client Presentation Coursework Assessment Project 40 % Week 13 4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Workshop / Seminar Design Workshop Prototyping 3 Weekly 3.00
Design Projectwork Design Studio Client Project 3 Weekly 3.00
Directed Learning Design Studio Client project 4 Weekly 4.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Project Work 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 10.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2013-11-05 The Design of Everyday Things Hachette UK
ISBN 9780465072996 ISBN-13 0465072992

The ultimate guide to human-centered design Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this ingenious-even liberating-book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization. The Design of Everyday Things shows that good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time. The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how--and why--some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.

Required Reading
2016-03-08 Sprint Simon and Schuster
ISBN 9781501121777 ISBN-13 1501121774

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Sprint offers a transformative formula for testing ideas that works whether youre at a startup or a large organization. Within five days, youll move from idea to prototype to decision, saving you and your team countless hours and countless dollars. A must read for entrepreneurs of all stripes. Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup From three partners at Google Ventures, a unique five-day process for solving tough problems, proven at more than a hundred companies. Entrepreneurs and leaders face big questions every day: Whats the most important place to focus your effort, and how do you start? What will your idea look like in real life? How many meetings and discussions does it take before you can be sure you have the right solution? Now theres a surefire way to answer these important questions: the sprint. Designer Jake Knapp created the five-day process at Google, where sprints were used on everything from Google Search to Google X. He joined Braden Kowitz and John Zeratsky at Google Ventures, and together they have completed more than a hundred sprints with companies in mobile, e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and more. A practical guide to answering critical business questions, Sprint is a book for teams of any size, from small startups to Fortune 100s, from teachers to nonprofits. Its for anyone with a big opportunity, problem, or idea who needs to get answers today.

Required Reading
2001 Handbook of Materials for Product Design McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
ISBN 0071354069 ISBN-13 9780071354066

This handbook provides materials, data, information and guidelines for all those who design, manufacture and use mechanical and electromechanical products, as well as those who develop and market materials useful for these products. The work contains an extensive array of property and performance data, and explains fabrication tradeoffs.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Dreyfus Associates Humanscale MIT Press (1974)

Dick Powell Presentation Techniques Little Brown & Co (1985)

Moggeridge, Bill Designing Interactions MIT Press (2006)

Saffer, Don Designing For Interaction New Riders (2007)

Chisnell, Dana Handbook of Usability Testing Wiley  (2008)

Martin, Roger The Design of Business Harvard Business School (2009)

Verganti, Roberto Design Driven Innovation Harvard Business Press (2009)


Journal Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information
