DSGN06135 2019 Product Design 2 (Application of Core skills)
The design process is applied through design projects that have been selected to exercise core skills from Product Design 1.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Understand the context of the design brief as applied to projects
Demonstrate judgement in sorting and ordering data in order to inform design decisionmaking
Apply user centered design decisionmaking
Communicate project presentations with confidence
Identify key user criteria for a design specification
Select a list of desired properties for major product components
Module Assessment Strategies
Projects are assessed by the assignment of marks to various project deliverables. The percentage assigned to each deliverable may vary between different projects. This allows particular outcomes to be more deeply emphasised in each project undertaken by the students.
Project deliverables typically include user research, conceptual development of ideas, design development, prototype making and presentation. A percentage of the continuous assessment evaluation is assigned for each deliverable, adding up to a total of 100%
Each of the projects is assigned a percentage of the overall module mark. The module marks assigned to each project are not of equal weighting as projects issued to students towards the end of the module usually receive a progressively higher weighting.
Indicative Syllabus
Week 1/3 Project 1: Ergonomics Design Project
Week 4/8 Project 2: Design Project 2
Week 9 Visit to Design Cultural Venue
Week 10/15 Project 3: Design Project 3
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Design Project 1 | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 30 % | Week 18 | 1 |
2 | Design Project 2 | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 30 % | Week 20 | 2,3 |
3 | Design Project 3 | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 40 % | Week 22 | 4,5,6 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2014-06-17 CAD and Rapid Prototyping for Product Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780673426 ISBN-13 9781780673424
Computer-aided design (CAD) and rapid prototyping (RP) are now a fundamental part of the professional practice of product design and are therefore essential skills for product design undergraduate students. This book provides students with all the tools needed to get to grips with the range of both CAD software and RP processes used in the industry. Presented in a visually engaging format, this book is packed with case study examples from contemporary product designers, as well as screen shots, CAD models, and images of rapid prototypes highlighting the design process. This book shows how CAD and RP software is used in product design and explains, in clear language, the similarities and differences between the different software packages and processes.
2013-12-03 Research Methods for Product Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780673027 ISBN-13 9781780673028
This book provides the reader with a comprehensive, relevant, and visually rich insight into the world of research methods specifically aimed at product designers. It includes practical case studies and tutorials that will inform, inspire, and help you to conduct product design research better. Product designers need a comprehensive understanding of research methods as their day-to-day work routinely involves them observing people, asking questions, searching for information, making and testing ideas, and ultimately generating 'solutions' to 'problems'. Manifest in the design process is the act of research. Huge technological advances in information, computing, and manufacturing processes also offer enormous opportunities to product designers such as the development of "intelligent" products and services, but at the same time raise important research questions that need to be dealt with. Product designers are, in many ways, best placed to address these challenges because of the manner in which they apply their design thinking to problems.
2013-09-15 The Industrial Design Reference & Specification Book Rockport Pub
ISBN 9781592538478 ISBN-13 1592538479
Originally published under the title: Process, materials, and measurements, in 2006.
Module Resources
Dreyfus Associates. Humanscale. MIT Press 1974
Dick Powell. Presentation Techniques. Little Brown & Co 1985
Dick Powell. Advanced Marker Techniques. Little brown & Co 1987
Janine M Benyus. Biomimicry. Morrow 2002
William Lidwell, Kristina Holden, Jill Butler. Universal Principles of Design. Rockport 2010
Diamond Jared, Guns Germs and Steel