DSGN06132 2019 Digital Media for Design 3 (Digital rendering)

General Details

Full Title
Digital Media for Design 3 (Digital rendering)
Transcript Title
Digital Media for Design 3 (Di
80 %
Subject Area
DSGN - 0212 Design
YADA - Yeats Academy Art Dsgn & Arch
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
David Roberts, Diarmuid Timmons, Louis McManus, Nevil Walsh, Mr. Mark Rooney
Programme Membership
SG_DCRDS_B07 201900 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_H08 201900 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design SG_DCREA_B07 202300 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_B07 202400 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design SG_DCREA_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design

This module will cover  Photoshop rendering tools and techniques. The student will learn advanced tools in Photoshop software through tutorials and projects and be taught the use of digital pen tablets to create concepts and finished design renderings and presentation boards.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Create digital Renderings using Photoshop or other alternative software.


Appreciate the advantages of drawing digitally.


Communicate design ideas through the use of digital sketching.


Use a digital pen tablet to create design concepts and presentation renderings.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The subject will be evaluated by a combination of tutorials and projects.

Module Assessment Strategies

The student will receive instruction in a specific area in the form of a tutorial. This will be followed by shorts assignments and design projects where the student applies the knowledge gained. The semester will conclude whereby the students will present a portfolio of assignments and project work.

Repeat Assessments

On failure of the module, the student will be issued with a repeat project/projects that will satisfy the module learning outcomes.

Module Dependencies

DSGN06131 201900 Digital Media for Design 2 (Applied Digital Projects) DSGN06140 201900 Digital Media for Design 1 (Foundation skills)

Indicative Syllabus

Digital Rendering & Sketching:  image scanning, tracing line work using vectors in Photoshop, creating & editing lines using path tools,  painting, and editing tools, filters, effects, text tools, Pantone swatches, retouching, repairing and editing existing photographs. Creating a background for design presentation boards.

Drawing using Digital pen tablet: digital pen tablet drawing and techniques, drawing using sketchbook pro software or other suitable alternatives.


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Continuous Assessment Project 1 Coursework Assessment Project 10 % Week 2 1
2 Continuous Assessment Project 2 Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 5 2
3 Continuous Assessment Project 3 Coursework Assessment Project 30 % Week 9 3
4 Continuous Assessment Project 4 Coursework Assessment Project 40 % Week 15 4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Practical / Laboratory Computer Laboratory Digital Drawing and Rendering 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2014 How to Render
ISBN 1933492961 ISBN-13 9781933492964

Explains how the human brain interprets the visual world around us, as well as the subject of visually communicating the form of an object in easy to understand lessons through the use of drawings, photography, and more.

Required Reading
2013 How to Draw
ISBN 1933492732 ISBN-13 9781933492735

Provides instruction on drawing objects and environments from the imagination, constructing accurate perspective grids, and experimenting with various mediums.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Scott Robertson, Thomas Bertling 2014 How to Render 

Scott Robertson, Thomas Bertling 2013 How to Draw 

Journal Resources


URL Resources



Other Resources


Additional Information
