DSGN06115 2018 Game Content Design 2

General Details

Full Title
Game Content Design 2
Transcript Title
Game Content Design 2
75 %
Subject Area
DSGN - 0212 Design
COMP - Computing & Creative Practices
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2018 - Full Academic Year 2018-19
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Paul Powell, Neil Gannon, John Weir, Mr. Mark Rooney
Programme Membership
SG_KGAME_C06 201800 Higher Certificate in Science in Games Development SG_KGADV_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development SG_KGADV_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development

This module will allow the learner to develop content for 3D games. The module will focus on the design & production of 3D content with the view to incorporating this content into a game. It will further the students understanding of design principles such as brainstorming, sketching, group work, with a focus on generating ideas from a brief and conceptualization by building on the learners design experiences. The process will include generating multiple low fidelity ideas through sketching, communicating/presenting those ideas as well as the development of design concepts in 3d in appropriate software.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Create a high Poly model of an original game asset they have designed themselves.


Demonstrate competency in the use of a design process to produce original game assets.


Show a basic proficiency in applying materials to a 3D model.


Show a basic proficiency in animating a 3D model.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Assessment is 100% continuous assessment and project based in nature.

Module Assessment Strategies

Assessment is 100% continuous assessment and project based in nature.

Repeat Assessments

On failing the module, the learner will be required to complete a project based repeat assessment.

A Project brief will be issued in which the varying details of the project will be set out and the

project will be submitted digitally or by mail to the lecturer or the exams office.

Indicative Syllabus

Create a 3D computer model of an original game asset they have designed themselves.

  • Apropriate use of Polygon Meshes/Nurbs surfaces
  • Manipulation of vertice/edges/surfaces
  • operations for manipulating geometry (rotation,translation,scaling,extruding)
  • use of/understanding of triangle/quad geometry/ngons

Demonstrate competency in the use of a design process to produce original 3D game asset.

  • drawing style
  • using research/refrence material
  • creating artwork
  • use of lines implied lines/line weight, shading, colour
  • use of thumbnail sketches

Show a basic proficiency in applying materials to a 3D model.

The student will create a texture in 2d image manipulation program. They will apply this texture/textures to a model in a 3d modeling program.

Show a basic proficiency in animating a 3D model.

The student will create a basic rig in a 3d modeling program and will create an armature using bones parent/child hirerarchy to animate a 3d model using forward/Inverse kinematics.



Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Sketch/Design concepts for a 3d game asset Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 3 2
2 Produce a low poly 3d model of a object from refrence images Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 6 1
3 Produce a low poly model of an original designed object Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 8 1,2,3
4 Design, model, apply a material and animate an original designed object Coursework Assessment Project 40 % Week 13 3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Practical / Laboratory Computer Laboratory Project based Design activity 4 Weekly 4.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Project based Design activity 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2015-08-10 Mastering Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press Sybex
ISBN 1119059828 ISBN-13 9781119059820

Go from 'beginner' to 'expert' with this professional, tutorial-based guide to Maya 2016

Mastering Autodesk Maya 2016 is your professional hands-on coverage to getting the most out of Maya. If you already know the basics of Maya, this book is your ticket to full coverage of all Maya 2016's latest features, and showcases the tools and methods used in real-world 3D animation and visual effects. From modeling, texturing, animation, and effects to high-level techniques for film, television, games, and more, this book expands your skill set, and helps you prepare for the Autodesk Maya certification exam. Filled with challenging tutorials and real-world scenarios this book provides valuable insight into the entire CG production timeline.

Take your Maya skills to the next level with step-by-step instruction and insight from the industry professionals.

  • Learn professional techniques used in real-world visual effects
  • Master Dynamics, Maya Muscle, Stereo Cameras, mental ray, and more
  • Expand your skills with advanced techniques for cloth, fur, and fluids
  • Understand everything you need to know for the Maya certification exam

Module Resources

URL Resources


Other Resources

Sketchpad (A4), pencils (HB), markers (various styles/colours), eraser, pencil sharpner, Pens (black/various tips)