COMP07168 2018 Secure Borderless Networks

General Details

Full Title
Secure Borderless Networks
Transcript Title
Secure Borderless Networks
N/A %
Subject Area
COMP - 0613 Computer Science
COEL - Computing & Electronic Eng
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2018 - Full Academic Year 2018-19
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Fiona Mitchell, Paul Flynn
Programme Membership
SG_KNCLD_H08 201800 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure SG_KNCLD_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure SG_KCMPU_H08 201800 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computing SG_KCMPU_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computing SG_KNCLD_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure SG_KNCLD_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure SG_KNCLD_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure SG_KCMPU_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCNCS_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Computer Networks and Cyber Security SG_KCNCS_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computer Networks and Cyber Security SG_KCMPU_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing SG_KCMPU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KNCLD_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Computer Networks and Cloud Infrastructure

This module aims to provide students with the necessary skills to build,
analyse, research, upgrade and troubleshoot a secure perimeter for modern borderless networks.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Analyse different WAN technologies and their benefits and vulnerabilities.


Configure PPPoE, GRE, and single-homed eBGP and troubleshoot extended IPv4 and IPv6 ACL


Describe QoS operation and configure edge network class maps and policy maps


Analyse evolving networks including cloud, virtualization, SDN, and IOT's and configure sample SDN using scripting tools.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Classroom, Lab sessions and on-line delivery

Module Assessment Strategies

Continuous assessment and final written exam

Repeat Assessments

Written autumn exam and/or security project

Module Dependencies

COMP07163 201800 Connecting Networks COMP07162 201800 Scaling Networks

Indicative Syllabus

  • Describe different WAN technologies and their benefits Configure and troubleshoot PPP 
  • Configure PPPoE, GRE, and single-homed eBGP 
  • Configure and troubleshoot extended IPv4 and IPv6 ACL 
  • Explain how to mitigate common LAN security attacks 
  • Describe QoS operation 
  • Describe evolving networks including cloud, virtualization, SDN, and the Internet of Things 
  • Troubleshoot end-to-end connectivity in a small to medium-sized business network, using a systematic approach

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
50 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
50 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 CA 1 Coursework Assessment Open Book Exam 25 % Week 3 1,2
2 CA2 Coursework Assessment Individual Project 25 % Week 6 1,2,3,4

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 50 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Practical / Laboratory Computer Laboratory Labs 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2013 Securing the Borderless Network: Security for the Web 2.0 World Cisco Press

This book brings together systematic, timely decision-making and technical guidance for companies of all sizes: information and techniques for protecting collaborative systems without compromising their business benefits. Youll walk through multiple scenarios and case studies, from Cisco Webex conferencing to social networking to cloud computing. For each scenario, the author identifies key security risks and presents proven best-practice responses, both technical and nontechnical.

Recommended Reading
2010-04-09 Securing the Borderless Network: Security for the Web 2.0 World (Networking Technology: Security) Cisco Press

Securing the Borderless Network reveals New techniques for securing advanced Web 2.0, virtualization, mobility, and collaborative applications


Todays new Web 2.0, virtualization, mobility, telepresence, and collaborative applications offer immense potential for enhancing productivity and competitive advantage. However, they also introduce daunting new security issues, many of which are already being exploited by cybercriminals. Securing the Borderless Network is the first book entirely focused on helping senior IT decision-makers understand, manage, and mitigate the security risks of these new collaborative technologies.


Cisco security technology expert Tom Gillis brings together systematic, timely decision-making and technical guidance for companies of all sizes: information and techniques for protecting collaborative systems without compromising their business benefits. Youll walk through multiple scenarios and case studies, from Cisco Webex conferencing to social networking to cloud computing. For each scenario, the author identifies key security risks and presents proven best-practice responses, both technical and nontechnical.


Securing the Borderless Network reviews the latest Cisco technology solutions for managing identity and securing networks, content, endpoints, and applications. The book concludes by discussing the evolution toward "Web 3.0" applications and the Cisco security vision for the borderless enterprise, providing you with a complete security overview for this quickly evolving network paradigm.

Module Resources