COMP07156 2018 Database Administration
The student will acquire an intermediate set of skills in Database Administration, including the administration of a Database Systems deployed. Students who wish to continue their studies in this area can complete Oracle Database 11g Administration Professional Certification.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Plan, configure and implement database security
Automate database administrative tasks
Monitor and maintain database performance
Administer database systems
Import and Export Data
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Practical approach to teaching - problem based learning techniques will be applied where appropriate.
Virtual machines will be use to allow flexibility and enchance learning
Module Assessment Strategies
100% continuous assessment, the assessment submissions will be staged throughout the semester. The assessment will include database planning and design and creating a database instance (45%). In class theory assessment will account for 15% and an end of semester in class practical lab assessment (40%)
Repeat Assessments
Project work and practical assessment.
Indicative Syllabus
Administer database systems
- Plan, install and configure a database platform
- Maintain and monitor the database platform
Automating Tasks with the Scheduler
- Create a job, program, and schedule
- Use a time-based or event-based schedule for executing Scheduler jobs
- Create lightweight jobs
- Use job chains to perform a series of related tasks
Monitoring Database Performance
- Use the tools available for monitoring a database management system.
- Perform common monitoring and tuning tasks by using counters and appropriate tools
Managing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting a RDBMS
- Monitor index statistics.
- Administer data storage.
- Modify the database schema.
- Manage the log file.
Managing and Monitoring Database Security
- Create and manage RDBMS access.
- Create and manage database users.
- Create and manage security roles.
- Manage permissions in a database.
- Manage security auditing.
Performing Administrative Tasks
- Perform common Database configuration tasks.
- Automate routine maintenance tasks by creating and scheduling jobs.
- Troubleshoot automated jobs, alerts, or notifications.
- Create backup files and backup sets.
- Backup up databases that are created on multiple files and file-groups.
- Execute the database recovery process.
Importing and Exporting Data
- Describe tools and techniques for transferring data
- Import and export data
- Copy or move a database
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Project - Plan, Design, Create and Administer a database with cloud component | Coursework Assessment | Project | 60 % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,4,5 |
2 | Practical Evaluation - Configure and Secure a Database | Coursework Assessment | Practical Evaluation | 40 % | Week 11 | 2,3,4,5 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Computer Laboratory | Lecture | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Practical / Laboratory | Computer Laboratory | Laboratory Practical | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Self Directed Learning | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List

2018-01-12 SQL Server 2017 Administration Inside Out Microsoft Press
ISBN 1509305211 ISBN-13 9781509305216

2009-02-20 Beginning Oracle Database 11g Administration: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional) (Expert's Voice in Oracle) Apress
ISBN 1590599683 ISBN-13 9781590599686
This book, written by veteran Oracle database administrator Iggy Fernandez, a regular on the Oracle conference circuit and the editor of NoCOUG Journal, is a manageable introduction to key Oracle database administration topics including planning, installation, monitoring, troubleshooting, maintenance, and backups, to name just a few. As is clear from the table of contents, this book is not simply a recitation of Oracle Database features such as what you find in the reference guides available for free download on the Oracle web site. For example, the chapter on database monitoring explains how to monitor database availability, database changes, database security, database backups, database growth, database workload, database performance, and database capacity. The chapters of this book are logically organized into four parts that closely track the way your database administration career will naturally evolve. Part 1 gives you necessary background in relational database theory and Oracle Database concepts, Part 2 teaches you how to implement an Oracle database correctly, Part 3 exposes you to the daily routine of a database administrator, and Part 4 introduces you to the fine art of performance tuning. Each chapter has exercises designed to help you apply the lessons of the chapter. Each chapter also includes a list of reference works that contain more information on the topic of the chapter. In this book, you'll find information that you won't find in other books on Oracle Database. Here you'll discover not only technical information, but also guidance on work practices that are as vital to your success as technical skills. The author's favorite chapter is The Big Picture and the Ten Deliverables." If you take the lessons in that chapter to heart you can quickly become a much better Oracle database administrator than you ever thought possible. What you'll learn * Theory of relational database management systems * Oracle Database internals * Licensing architecture and
Module Resources