COMP07105 2018 Rich Application Development 301

General Details

Full Title
Rich Application Development 301
Transcript Title
Rich Application Development 3
N/A %
Subject Area
COMP - 0613 Computer Science
COEL - Computing & Electronic Eng
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2018 - Full Academic Year 2018-19
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Paul Powell, Dana Vasiloaica, John Weir
Programme Membership
SG_KSODV_H08 201800 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 201800 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KGADV_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development SG_KSODV_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computing SG_KSODV_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Computing SG_KSODV_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KSODV_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KGADV_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development SG_KSODV_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Software Development SG_KSODV_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KCMPU_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing SG_KSODV_H08 202200 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing SG_KSODV_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Software Development SG_KCMPU_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing

Rich Application Development 301 examines the range of tools, techniques, and full development stacks appropriate to the creation of interface-rich line of business applications. Particular emphasis is paid to the building n-tier applications incorporating user interfaces modern UI frameworks. Database access is introduced using object-relational modelling to prepare students in the development of n-tier applications.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Explore Core declarative UI concepts


Appraise Data binding and Procedural Binding


Examine Object-relational modelling and N-Tier structured Applications


Deploy Cloud solutions

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching will consist introductory lectures followed up by example based learning in a practical environment culminating submission of a CA encorprating all of the methods explored in the lab environment.  

Module Assessment Strategies

Assessment is a mixture of in-lab practical tests and set assignments. An end-of-module final practical in-lab examination will follow at module end. Formative assessments will be set throughout the module to provide prompt and clear feedback. A PBL approach to learning will be encouraged.

Repeat Assessments

A repeat practical Exam that meets the learning outcomes

Indicative Syllabus

Explore Core declarative UI concepts

Role of declarative mark-up; attribute directives; compilation model; dependency properties; routed events;

UI standard controls; sizing, position and transforming elements

Advanced layout employing frameworks

Structuring and deploying an application

Route commands to actions from the user interface

Appraise Data binding and Procedural Binding

Bind Controls using Code

Declarative binding to dynamically populate the interface

Build data templates with UI controls to represent data appropriately


Examine Object-relational modelling and N-Tier Applications structure

Handle CRUD operations remotely, efficiently and securely

Identify appropriate model to represent data at client-side and server side

Examine patterns for the delivery and storage of data from a UI to and from a data storage container

Deploy Cloud solutions

Deploy software to a cloud tenant

Manage code deployments effectively

Manage Romotely stored data effectively

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
30 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
70 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Develop an N-Tier Single Page Application with a data source and Deploy it to the cloud Coursework Assessment Assignment 30 % Week 10 1,2,3,4

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Practical Evaluation End-Of-Module Practical Exam Final Exam Open Book Exam 70 % Week 12 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Lecture Computer Laboratory In-lab lecture 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Study 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2014-09-12 Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 Wrox
ISBN 1118794753 ISBN-13 9781118794753

Title: Professional ASP.Net MVC 5 <>Binding: Paperback <>Author: JonGalloway <>Publisher: WroxPress

Recommended Reading
2011-11-18 Programming Entity Framework: Code First: Creating and Configuring Data Models from Your Classes O'Reilly Media

Take advantage of the Code First data modeling approach in ADO.NET Entity Framework, and learn how to build and configure a model based on existing classes in your business domain. With this concise book, youll work hands-on with examples to learn how Code First can create an in-memory model and database by default, and how you can exert more control over the model through further configuration.

Code First provides an alternative to the database first and model first approaches to the Entity Data Model. Learn the benefits of defining your model with code, whether youre working with an existing database or building one from scratch. If you work with Visual Studio and understand database management basics, this book is for you.

  • Learn exactly what Code First doesand does notenable you to do
  • Understand how property attributes, relationships, and database mappings are inferred from your classes by Code First
  • Use Data Annotations and the Fluent API to configure the Code First data model
  • Perform advanced techniques, such as controlling the database schema and overriding the default model caching

This book is a continuation of author Julia Lermans Programming Entity Framework, widely recognized as the leading book on the topic.

Recommended Reading
2012-11-08 Programming C# 5.0: Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .NET 4.5 Framework O'Reilly Media
ISBN 1449320414 ISBN-13 9781449320416

Programming C# 5.0 With its support for dynamic programming, C# 5.0 continues to evolve as a versatile language on its own. But when C# is used with .NET Framework 4.5, the combination is incredibly powerful. Full description

Module Resources

URL Resources

Moodle Course Notes.

This will change as technology changes and new frameworks evolve

Other Resources

This will change as technology changes and new frameworks evolve

Additional Information

This will change as technology changes and new frameworks evolve