COMP06169 2018 2D Games programming

General Details

Full Title
2D Games programming
Transcript Title
2D Games programming
N/A %
Subject Area
COMP - 0613 Computer Science
COMP - Computing & Creative Practices
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2018 - Full Academic Year 2018-19
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Paul Powell
Programme Membership
SG_KGAME_C06 201800 Higher Certificate in Science in Games Development SG_KGADV_B07 201800 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development SG_KGADV_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Games Development

This is a core subject in year 2 of the Games degree and as such should be allocated adequate resources in keeping with its importance. The emphasis of this Module is on manipulation of 2D graphics (sprites, sprite sheets, backgrounds) and audio content. The learner will learn about the game loop and the game content pipeline. The Learner will programmatically cater for the various input devices including game controllers and use these to move characters in a game environment. Collision detection will be programmed for 2D sprites. Sound will be incorporated and cued with actions. Deployment of a PC based game on a gaming platform will be implemented. Emphasis will be given to good coding practices and code structure. Students will be encouraged following this module to enter games competitions to display their portfolios. Students must successfully meet all learning outcomes examined by assessment and final exam to pass this subject.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Understand the nature of 2D games in terms the Game Loop and real time programming


Represent and manipulate game objects and program interaction between Game objects using a Game Framework


Incorporate and manipulate 2D sprtites and sounds in response to user input and produce realtime game play

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching will be example based demonstrating techniques and game object structure and manipulation. Students will then carry out additional tasks in a PBL way. 

Module Assessment Strategies

The assement strategy will consist of implementing a number of demonstrated techniques in 2D game production culminating in the production of a 2D group based game which will be demonstrated at the end of the module. The module needs to be delivered in the first semester to allow time for students to enter their work for national games competitions.

Repeat Assessments

Final repeat practical Exam

Indicative Syllabus

2D gaming

  • Describe the game Loop and Content Pipeline for 2D games.
  • Include pre-developed game content in programming environment
  • Outline the game development life cycle
  • Reporduce functionality produced by sample games
  • Provide programmatically for user input through game input devices.
  • Develop and demonstrate the effects of collision of game artifacts
  • Include sound in a game to coninside with game events and create game atmosphere
  • Produce a 2D sprite based game that will run in a PC environment and a games console environment


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
60 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
40 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Student Engagement Coursework Assessment Performance Evaluation 20 % OnGoing 1,2,3
2 Group Project to Develop a 2D Game Coursework Assessment Group Project 20 % Week 10 1,2,3
3 CA Exam Coursework Assessment Open Book Exam 20 % Week 12 1,2,3

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Open Book Exam 40 % End of Term 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Computer Laboratory Theory and technique demonstrations 2 Weekly 2.00
Practical / Laboratory Computer Laboratory Implementing demonstrated Techniques 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2017-12-26 2D Monogame RPG Tutorial: Edition 1.0 Independently published
ISBN 1976734010 ISBN-13 9781976734014

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Microsoft® XNA® Game Studio 3.0: Learn Programming Now! (Pro - Developer) by Rob Miles Publisher: Microsoft Press; 2 edition (June 10, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 9780735626584 ISBN-13: 978-0735626584

 Learning XNA 4.0 by Aaron Reed Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 2, 2008) Language: English ISBN 978-1-449-39462-2

C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation 1st Edition by Daniel Schuller ISBN-13: 978-1435455566, ISBN-10: 1435455568




Other Resources

Gaming PCs

Latest version of MonoGame and Unity installed on all PCs

Paint.NET and GameMaker latest versions for Sprite Sheet and background production

Photoshop for advanced content production

Additional Information
