COMM07026 2022 Negotiation in Practice

General Details

Full Title
Negotiation in Practice
Transcript Title
Negotiation in Practice
N/A %
Subject Area
COMM - 0031 Comm/Personal Dev
BUS - Business
07 - Level 7
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Mairead McCann, Patrick Broderick, Kerry Dolan, Aileen Brennan
Programme Membership
SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (General) SG_BINSL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship) SG_BINSU_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (General)

This module aims to facilitate the development of effective Negotiation Skills in the context of competitive business environments. Students will cultivate persuasive communication techniques through an understanding of effective Negotiation Strategies based on collaborative and creative working practices. The student will learn the importance of ethics in negotiation and how to resolve conflicts effectively whilst also fostering inclusive and dynamic communications within business environments that strengthen relationships. Students will learn the importance of self awareness in skilled negotiation communication so that communication interactions become opportunities to build relationships, foster consumer confidence, drive teamwork and increase productivity and company sales.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Analyse effective Negotiation Strategies.


Apply the concepts of Influence and Persuasion.


Demonstrate Active Listening and Active Speaking techniques.


Evaluate Online Negotiation in comparison to Face-to-Face Negotiation


Assess how to identify, generate and develop Mentors and Networks that support students in their professional role.


Reflect on Positive and Negative Conflict structures within an organisation

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Online lectures



Module Assessment Strategies

This module will be via three Summative Continuous Assessment components 1. Group Negotiation Roleplay and Negotiation Strategy, 2. Online Moodle Quiz and 3. an end of term Essay based on a case-study approach. Formative Assessment will take the form of weekly in class discussions, breakout activities, pair and share readings and discussions. 

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment


Indicative Syllabus

LO 1. Analyse effective Negotiation Strategies:

Distributive versus Integrative Negotiation Processes, Creating a Value Approach, Building Alliances, Managing negotiations in multilevel, multilateral & multicultural contexts, Barriers to effective negotiation.

LO 2. Apply the concepts of Influence and Persuasion:

Impression Management, Ingratiation, Intimidation & Self-Handicapping Approaches, Power & Power Bases, Ethical approaches to negotiation

LO 3. Demonstrate Active Listening and Active Speaking techniques: 

Active Listening, Empathy, Psychological noise, Emotional regulation, Interpersonal Communication skills, Non-verbal Communication, Body Language, Questioning

LO 4. Evaluate Online Negotiation in comparison to Face-to-Face Negotiation:

Building Rapport, Empathetic Listening, Reflecting, Effective Communication, Building customer confidence, Impression management

LO 5. Assess how to identify, generate and develop Mentors and Networks that support students in their professional role:

Develop relationships and networks that support the professional role including internal/external/market led/professional and peer relationships. Consider how relationships amy be leveraged to improve the reliability of customer service based on customer feedback. Empowering  others to resolve customer’s issues within organisational and ethical guidelines.

LO 6. Reflect on Positive and Negative Conflict structures within an organisation:

Fostering positive conflict, Examining aspects of negative conflict, Conflict Negotiation, Empowering staff exclusivity within a positive communication environment.


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Continuous Assessment Practical Performance Evaluation 30 % OnGoing 3
2 Mid Semester Quiz Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 20 % Week 8 1,2
3 Indivdiual Case Study Coursework Assessment Individual Project 50 % End of Semester 4,5,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online Lecture 1.5 Weekly 1.50
Tutorial Online Tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Tutorial Offsite Facility Face to Face Tutorial 3 Twice Per Semester 0.40
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.90 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2020 Better, Not Perfect Harper Business
ISBN 0063002701 ISBN-13 9780063002708

"Negotiation and decision-making expert Max Bazerman discusses how we can make more ethical choices by reframing our intentions toward being better rather than being perfect"--

Required Reading
2018-08-31 Entrepreneurial Negotiation Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 3319925423 ISBN-13 9783319925424

The great majority of startups fail, and most entrepreneurs who have succeeded have had to bounce back from serious mistakes. Entrepreneurs fumble key interactions because they dont know how to handle the negotiation challenges that almost always arise. They mistakenly believe that deals are about money when they are much more complicated than that. This book presents entrepreneurship as a series of interactions between founders, partners, potential partners, investors and others at various stages of the entrepreneurial process - from seed to exit. There are plenty of authors offering tips on how to succeed as an entrepreneur, but no one else scrutinizes the negotiation mistakes that successful entrepreneurs talk about with the authors. As Dinnar and Susskind show, learning to handle emotions, manage uncertainty, cope with technical complexity and build long-term relationships are equally or even more important. This book spotlights eight big mistakes that entrepreneurs often make and shows how most can be prevented with some forethought. It includes interviews with high-profile entrepreneurs about their own mistakes. It also covers gender biases, cultural challenges, and when to employ agents to negotiate on your behalf. Aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs should pay attention to the negotiation errors that even the most successful entrepreneurs commonly make.

Required Reading
2015-12-02 The Negotiation Book John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 9781119155461 ISBN-13 1119155460

Winner! - CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 Practical Manager category Master the art of negotiation and gain the competitive advantage Now revised and updated, the second edition of The Negotiation Book will teach you about one of the most important skills in business. We all have to negotiate at some point; whether in the office or at home and good negotiation skills can have a profound effect on our lives both financially and personally. No other skill will give you a better chance of optimizing your success and your organization's success. Every time you negotiate, you are looking for an increased advantage. This book delivers it, whilst ensuring the other party also comes away feeling good about the deal. Nothing will put you in a stronger position to build capacity, build negotiation strategies and facilitate negotiations through to successful conclusions. The Negotiation Book: Explains the importance of planning, dynamics and strategies Will help you understand the psychology, tactics and behaviours of negotiation Teaches you how to conduct successful win-win negotiations Gives you the competitive advantage

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources

Access to relevant databases through Library website

Includes access to Emerald, Business Source Complete and Finace & Insurance Meetings

URL Resources

Module Moodle Website with supported resources   Negotiation Practice

Insurance Institute of Ireland

Harvard programme on Negotiation







Other Resources

Library Support pages for Reserach & Learning


Additional Information

Academic Success Module available on Moodle