COMM06054 2019 Learning to Learn

General Details

Full Title
Learning to Learn
Transcript Title
Learning to Learn
70 %
Subject Area
COMM - 0732 Building & Civil Eng
ESCI - Environmental Science
06 - NFQ Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Cait Coyle
Programme Membership
SG_SSCIE_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Science SG_SSCIE_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science SG_SSCIE_C06 201900 Higher Certificate in Science

The module aims to provide students with fundamental skills with respect to communicating scientific information during their academic studies and in the workplace. The importance of the effective communication of scientific information by written, oral and visual means will be emphasised.

Students will be required to source, review and summarise peer reviewed scientific literature.

The preparation of scientific reports will encompass the organisation, interpretation and presentation (written) of scientific data in structured format.

Students will be required to work as a team in order to conduct research on a topical issue for an oral and poster presentation.

The role and importance of teamwork will be discussed.



Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Recognise the importance of peer reviewed scientific literature.


Recognise what constitutes plagiarism.


Preparation of a literature review.


Produce a scientific report using a standard report writing format.


Prepare and present an oral and visual presentation on a scientific topic.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time. This will include lectures, practicals in computer laboratories and team based exercises augmented by independent learning, directed learning and enquiry based learning.  This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g.  uploading assignments).

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% Continuous Assessment.
During the earlier part of the semester, students will work in teams to present an oral and poster presentation. These two assignments will be through enquiry based learning.
Based on scientific data provided in class, each student will prepare a written scientific report and submit this during the middle of the semester.
A written literature review will be prepared by each student during the latter part of the semester.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment.

Module Dependencies


Indicative Syllabus

1. Recognise the importance of peer reviewed scientific literature.

1.1 Peer reviewed scientific information.

1.2 Citing and referencing scientific literature.

2. Recognise what constitutes plagiarism.

2.1 Different forms of plagiarism.

2.2 Consequences of plagiarism.

3. Prepare a literature review.

3.1 Preparation of a written literature review on a scientific topic.

3.2 Source core, peer reviewed, scientific literature.

3.3 Write a reference list in Harvard Referencing format.

3.4 Use in text citations in literature review.

4. Produce a scientific report using a standard report writing format.

4.1 Analysis and interpretation of scientific data.

4.2 Preparation of a written scientific report.

5. Prepare and present a team based oral and visual presentation on a selected scientific topic.

5.1 Oral communication skills.

5.2 Visual communication skills.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Literature Review Coursework Assessment Assignment 30 % Week 12 1,2,3
2 Scientific Report Coursework Assessment Assignment 30 % Week 10 1,4
3 Oral Presentation Coursework Assessment Assessment 30 % Week 5 1,5
4 Poster Presentation Coursework Assessment Assessment 10 % Week 5 1,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Supervision Computer Laboratory Practical 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Self Study 5 UNKNOWN 5.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2001 Effective Communication for Science and Technology Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 0333775465 ISBN-13 9780333775462

This readable book guides science and technology students through all the communication involved in a typical course, from the first assignment to the final project report or dissertation. Detailed help and support is given, with lots of examples and practical advice, including how to apply for a job and succeed at an interview. Above all, this book will give its readers confidence that they can communicate effectively and get credit for their writing and speaking skills.

Required Reading
2016-06-09 Presentation Skills for Students Red Globe Press
ISBN 1137576499 ISBN-13 9781137576491

This is the essential guide to the most transferable of all student skills: delivering a presentation clearly, coherently and confidently. Written in a friendly and accessible style, it takes the fear out of public speaking and helps students to acquire the skills they need to deliver effective presentations at university and in their future careers. Revised and updated throughout, it provides readers with practical guidance on controlling their nerves, creating visual aids and structuring presentations. This is an invaluable resource for students of all disciplines in further or higher education who have to give presentations as part of their course. It is also ideal for recent graduates looking to hone their presentation skills as they enter the job market.

Required Reading
2013-04-09 The Study Skills Handbook Palgrave
ISBN 1137289252 ISBN-13 9781137289254

This is the ultimate guide to study skills, written by international best-selling author Stella Cottrell. Her tried and tested approach, based on over twenty years experience of working with students, has helped over a million students to achieve their potential. When it comes to studying, there is no one-size fits all approach. This accessible guide shows students how to tailor their learning to their individual needs in order to boost their grades, build their confidence and increase their employability. Fully revised for the fourth edition, it contains everything students need to succeed. This is an invaluable resource for undergraduate students of all disciplines, and is also ideal for postgraduates, mature students and international students. It prepares students for what to expect before, during and after their studies at university.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources




Journal Resources


URL Resources

Literature Reviews

Scientific Reports

Other Resources

Lecture theatre, computer laboratory and flat classroom.

Additional Information
