CHEM06031 2019 Organic Chemistry
This module covers areas of both aliphatic and aromatic chemistry including structure, reactivity, functional group inter-conversions and reaction mechanisms. Stereochemistry is introduced and its importance in organic chemical structures is examined.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Describe the chemistry of the functional groups and the features, both structural and electronic, which are responsible for their reactivity.
Explain the reaction mechanisms involved in a selection of organic chemical reactions.
Identify the reactions involved in the interconversion the various functional groups.
Evaluate the use of some organometallic reagents
Discuss areas of Aromatic Chemistry, including structure and reactivity of some benzene derivatives.
Describe the concept of Stereochemistry, including chirality, enantiomers and nomenclature.
Perform a series of Organic Chemistry practicals
Teaching and Learning Strategies
This module will be delivered full‑time. It will include lectures, tutorials and laboratory practicals.This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment.
Module Assessment Strategies
Students will be assessed using a range of Short Answer and Multiple Choice Questions. Further assessment methods include laboratory performance and end of year examination.
The student must reach an assigned gate (mark) in the final exam and achieve 40% overall in order to pass the module.
Repeat Assessments
Students may repeat Continuous Assessment and / or Final Theory Exam as required
Indicative Syllabus
The chemistry of hydrocarbons (both saturated and unsaturated) – structure, reactivity and reaction mechanisms.
Chemistry of alicyclic compounds - conformations of cycloalkanes, Baeyer strain theory of cyclic systems.
Organic functional groups and their interconversions
Carbocations - stability and rearrangement of carbocations and their role in hydride and alkyl shifts.
Organometallic reagents in the synthesis of organic compounds – synthesis and use of Grignard reagents.
Aromatic Chemistry – Structure and reactivity of benzene and some benzene derivatives.
The concept of Stereochemistry and its importance in Organic Chemistry.
A suite of Organic Chemistry Practical classes which reinforce the theory content of the module.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Written assessment - Multiple choice questions, Short answer questions. | Coursework Assessment | Closed Book Exam | 15 % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
2 | Practical Evaluation Laboratory sessions | Coursework Assessment | Practical Evaluation | 50 % | OnGoing | 7 |
End of Semester / Year Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Written Examination | Final Exam | Closed Book Exam | 35 % | End of Term | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Tiered Classroom | Lecture | 4 | Weekly | 4.00 |
Practical / Laboratory | Science Laboratory | Laboratory Practical | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Group Learning | Flat Classroom | Tutorial | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Independent Learning | UNKNOWN | Self Study | 4 | Weekly | 4.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2018-02-23 Organic Chemistry WH Freeman
ISBN 1319187714 ISBN-13 9781319187712
Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 8e maintains the classic framework with a logical organization that an organic molecules structure will determine its function and strengthens a focus on helping students understand reactions, mechanisms, and synthetic analysis and their practical applications. The eighth edition presents a refined methodology, rooted in teaching expertise to promote student understanding and build problem solving skills. Paired with SaplingPlus, students will have access to an interactive and fully mobile ebook, interactive media features and well respected Sapling tutorial style problemsWhere every problem emphasizes learning with hints, targeted feedback and detailed solutions as well as a unique pedagogically focused drawing tool.
Module Resources
Chemistry Laboratory
Module Lecture Notes