CARE07043 2022 Supervision Theory and Practice

General Details

Full Title
Supervision Theory and Practice
Transcript Title
Supervision Theory & Practice
100 %
Subject Area
CARE - Social Studies
SOCS - Social Sciences
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Elizabeth Haran, Roisin McGlone, Sheena O'Neill, Brenda Feeney
Programme Membership
SG_HSOCI_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_WSOCI_B07 202200 Bachelor of Arts in Social Care Practice SG_WSOCI_H07 202200 Bachelor of Arts in Social Care Practice SG_HSOCP_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_HSOCI_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_WSOCI_B07 202400 Bachelor of Arts in Social Care Practice SG_HSOCP_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_WSOCI_H08 202500 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice


This module will introduce Practice Placement supervisors to theory and practice of supervision, reflective practice and record keeping which are central to the supervision process.

It will provide supervisors with a framework to analyse, explore , exchange and develop best practice through an evidence and peer learning pedagogy.


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Identify the key theories of coaching, mentoring and supervision appropriate to students on a Practice Placement in an Early Years or Social Care or Social Work  setting


Apply, in role play situations and a work environment, the core competencies required to provide effective supervision to students on practice placement.


Discuss models of reflection and reflective writing which provide practitioners with insight into their interactions with students on Practice Placement.


Outline a personal critical philosophy of Practice Placement Supervision.


Demonstrate the record keeping, documentation and governance required for effective supervision of Practice Placement students.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Workshops, lectures, role play and discussions.

Module Assessment Strategies

Group Role Play simulating a student/supervisor supervision session. Preparation of poster outlining key learning points for supervisors.50%

Learning Outcomes, 1, 2, 3, 


Completion of three reflective accounts of supervision session with student or staff member., including an analysis of the theoretical 

frameworks applied, personal and professional reflective practice and how it contributes to self awareness and continous professional development.  50% 

Learning Outcomes1,2,3 4,5



Repeat Assessments

Resubmission of written reflective pieces

Indicative Syllabus

History of Social Care/Early Childhood Care and Education/Social Work sector.

Role and value of practice placements.

Role of CORU and Quality Frameworks, Workforce Development Plan in professional identify formation and practice.

The tri-partite learning context (students, supervisors, visiting tutor)

Models of supervision.

The supervision contract, effective preparation for supervision meetings, setting goals using the SMART guidelines and recording the information.

Professional boundaries in Practice Placement supervision.

Discussion on ethical considerations and dilemmas within a Practice Placement supervision situation..

Effective communication in the supervision process.

Reflection and awareness of self within the supervision process.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Review of documentation Project Assignment 30 % Week 11 5
2 Attendance and Participation Coursework Assessment Oral Exam/Presentation 20 % Week 13 4
3 Reflective assignment Project Assignment 50 % Week 13 1,2,3
4 Role Play Coursework Assessment Group Project 50 % Week 8

ACCS Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Workshops 36 Twice Per Semester 4.80
Total ACCS Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.80 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Carpenter.J Webb C., Bostock L., Coomber C. (2012)  Effective Supervision in Social Work and Socialo Care  . Social Care Institute of ExcellenceMorrison T., Wonnacott J (2010) Supervision now or never - reclaiming reflective supervision in Social Work

Carysi J.L (2007)  Supervision in Early Childhood Education. A Developmental Perspective 3rd ed. 
Teachers College Press New York

Supervision in Social Care Resource Pack/Toolkit.  (2011)  Cornwall Council.

Gray I., Field R., Bron K (2010)  Effective Leadership, Management and Supervision in Hedalth and Social Care - Learning Matters

Johns C (2013) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner  4th ed.  Blackwell Publishing

McPartland E. (2012) Supervision and Leadership in Childcare Gill & Macmillan

Paige-Smith A., Craft A ( 2011) Developing Reflective Practice in the EarlyYears  Open University Press

Scott Heller G., Gilkerson L (2009) A practical guide to reflective supervision .  Washington

Herman M., (2012) Reflective Practice Meets Youth Work Supervision  - Youth and Policy No. 109.

The functions of Supervision  Infed Organisation (2014)