ARCT08057 2022 Architecture Studio 5
Design studio forms the core element of Architecture at IT Sligo, with each of the design studio projects exploring the four philosophical vision points that characterise the programme. Design studio projects address design issues of relevance to the region and are integrated into the local area from a social, environmental, historical, and cultural perspective. Project types include existing buildings, extensions and new build and range from projects sited in extreme locations to those in villages, towns, Irish and European cities. They aim to give the student exposure to a range of project types including community engagement, multidisciplinary projects, live projects and public exhibition, and to engage imagination, creativity, analysis and critical judgement in resolving design issues.
Architectural Design Studio 5 is based on the Student Proposition. During this module, the students are required to research, propose and develop an architectural brief and related theoretical framework, leading to a series of key preliminary strategic design decisions. All these activities are informed by the students personal response to the programme vision and their emergent design praxis.
Student projects will relate to the architecture programme's key themes of Interpretation of Place, Regionally Transformative Architecture, Architectural Regeneration of Built Heritage and Human Experience and Perception of Space. They will focus and develop a philosophical and practical stance towards aspects of architecture relating to our geographical and cultural position in Ireland and the imperatives which are emerging at this time in the development of our nation and our place in the world.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Research and prepare the brief for a design project considering human needs and influences integrating the roles and interests of stakeholders and society
Compose a detailed brief that incorporates interpretation of place integrating knowledge of theories of urban design, planning of communities, current planning policy, development control legislation, including social, environmental and economic aspects
Engage in design as a form of research
Engage in reflection and respond reflexively regarding design praxis
Generate complex design proposals showing the potential of architecture to transform a region
Research, appraise and select construction systems and methods, materials and properties, structural design theories and systems, demonstrating an understanding through application to preliminary building design
Demonstrate a consideration of the impact of new and existing buildings on the environment, and the precepts of sustainable design
Interpret the complex relationships between the user and spatial experience of architecture through exploration of the intimate dialogue between the user and the space they inhabit
Engage in multimodal communication of design utilizing a range of advanced and innovative media and representational techniques
Participate and collaborate actively in team work.
Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse individual learning requirements and work independently in a self-directed manner
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Students will be required to develop their architectural brief and related theoretical framework in consultation with an allocated supervisor. During the course of the thesis project the course team will deliver: a variety of lecture and supporting inputs that facilitate the students’ ongoing design activities; individual tutorials with supervisors; and facilitate formative and summative reviews.
Students are required to meet the 80% minimum attendance requirement in Design Studio
Module Assessment Strategies
Each stage of the students’ development of their architectural brief and theoretical framework will be discussed and formatively assessed by their supervisor
Repeat Assessments
If students attain less than 35% in Design Studio modules they will be required to repeat attend the year.
Repeat assessment will be set dependent on failed components for student who have attained more than 35%
Indicative Syllabus
Vertical Project: Run at the commencement of each academic year to encourage student interaction across years and introduce new students to the programme. Groups of architecture students from year 1 - 5, work on short, idea-based projects based on the programme vision points.
Design Project: The module is based around researching and developing a brief of significant complexity to address human needs, social, environmental issues, interpretation of place as well as embodying the core vision of the architectural programme. The project should address policy and regulatory structures.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Design Portfolio Submission (see semester map) | Coursework Assessment | Project | 100 % | End of Semester | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Supervision | Architectural Studio | Design Studio | 12 | Weekly | 12.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
1977 A Pattern Language Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780195019193 ISBN-13 0195019199
Two hundred and fifty-three archetypal patterns consisting of problem statements, discussions, illustrations, and solutions provide lay persons with a framework for engaging in architectural design
1961-01 The Concise Townscape Routledge
ISBN 9780750620185 ISBN-13 0750620188
"Townscape" is the art of giving visual coherence and organization to the jumble of buildings, streets and spaces that make up the urban environment. Its concepts were first developed by Gordon Cullen in "The Architectural Review" and were later embodied in the book "Township" (1961) which established itself as a major influence on architects, planners and others concerned with what cities should look like. This reissue of the influential work, with observations on the English urban landscape, fully backed with over 200 photos and illustrations.
2005-06-15 The Prefabricated Home Reaktion Books
ISBN 1861892438 ISBN-13 9781861892430
An account of prefabricated architecture around the world, from McDonalds drive-through restaurants to Ikea's flat-pack house.
2016-03-14 Architectural Detailing John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 9781118881996 ISBN-13 1118881990
"Reviews recent built works and extract underlying principles that can be the basis for new patterns or for additional aspects of existing patterns"--
2008 Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century Laurence King Pub
ISBN STANFORD:36105132242244
The design of multiple housing - a new building type, especially for growing urban populations - was a major new area of activity for architects at the beginning of the twentieth century, and one that continues into the twenty-first century. This book features 87 of the most influential modern housing designs of the last 100 years by some of the best-known architects in the field. Each project is explained with a concise text and photographsand specially created scale drawings, including floor plans and site plans, sections and elevations where appropriate. The projects are organized in six roughly chronological chapters tracing the history of both public and private housing around the world. The detailed drawings allow each project to be analyzed in depth, which, alongside the author's authoritative text, will make this an invaluable resource for architects and students. As an added bonus, the book includes a CD-ROM containing digital files of all the drawings featured in the book.
2016-11 Lessons for Students in Architecture
ISBN 9462083193 ISBN-13 9789462083196
This immensely successful book has gone through many reprints and editions, including Japanese, German, Italian, Chinese, French. Since its first edition in 1991, Hertzberger?s 'Lessons for Students in Architecture' has become a classic for students the world over. In it, the background to his work and the ideas underlying it are put into words by the architect himself. It presents a broad spectrum of subjects and designs, with practical experience and evaluation of the use of these buildings serving as a leitmotif. With more than 750 illustrations, Hertzberger has provided an essential source of inspiration to everyone involved with the design process. 7th ed.
2013 The Urban Design Reader
ISBN 0415668085 ISBN-13 9780415668088
Section two introduces the voices and ideas that were instrumental in establishing the foundations of the urban design field from the late 1950s up to the mid 1990s. These authors present a critical reading of the design professions and offer an alternative urban design agenda focused on vital and lively places. The authors in section three provide a range of urban design rationales and strategies for reinforcing local physical identity and the creation of memorable places. These selections are largely describing the outcomes of mid-century urban design and voicing concerns over the placeless quality of contemporary urbanism. The fourth part of the Reader explores key issues in urban design and development. Ideas about sprawl, density, community health, public space and everyday life are the primary focus here. Several new selections in this part of the book also highlight important international development trends in the Middle East and China.
2001 Modern Housing Prototypes Harvard University Press
ISBN 0674579429 ISBN-13 9780674579422
Here are thirty-two notable examples of multi-family housing from many countries, selected for their importance as prototypes. Designed by such masters as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and Alvar Aalto, they range from single-house clusters to terrace houses and urban high-rises. The buildings are illustrated with photographs, site plans, floor plans, elevations, and striking axonometric drawings.
Module Resources
specific to each student and project
specific to each student and project
specific to each student and project
Recommended Reading:
Crouch, C. (2007). Praxis and the reflexive creative practitioner. Journal of visual art practice, 6(2), 105-114. DOI: 10.1386/jvap.6.2.105_1.
Davis, D. E., & Hatuka, T. (2011). The right to vision: A new planning praxis for conflict cities. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 31(3), 241-257.
Fraser, M. (Ed.). (2013). Design Research in Architecture: an overview. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Klein, J. T. (2004). Prospects for transdisciplinarity. Futures, 36(4), 515-526.
Klein, J. T. (2015). Reprint of “Discourses of transdisciplinarity: Looking back to the future”. Futures, 65, 10-16.
Koutsoumpos, L. (2007, September). Reconciliatory Praxis: Bridging Ethics and Poetics in the Design Studio,” In conference: Reconciling Poetics and Ethics in Architecture, McGill University, Montreal (pp. 13-15).
Lymer, G. (2009). Demonstrating professional vision: The work of critique in architectural education. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 16(2), 145-171.
O'Callaghan, A. (2000). Patterns for Architectural Praxis. In EuroPLoP (pp. 173-188).
Rust, C., Mottram, J., & Till, J. (2007). Review of practice-led research in art, design & architecture.
Stanek, L. (2011). Henri Lefebvre on space: Architecture, urban research, and the production of theory. U of Minnesota Press.
Refer to Architecture Space and Resource provision Handbook.
Dedicated studio space for each student registered on the the academic year of the BArch programme.
Including but not limited to:
Drawing Board, Layout space, wall space, drawing/model storage, materials storage.
Printing and scanning facilities (A0, A1, A2, A3).
Model Making benches, cutting surfaces, hand tools, lazer cutters, 3Dprinters
Technology/Materials Lab
Critique space
General and Archive storage.