ARCT08048 2022 Architecture Context and Theory 3

General Details

Full Title
Architecture Context and Theory 3
Transcript Title
Architecture Context and Theor
80 %
Subject Area
ARCT - 0731 Architecture & Town Plng
YADA - Yeats Academy Art Dsgn & Arch
08 - Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Bernadette Donohoe, Deirdre Greaney, Michael Roulston, Cliona Brady, Peter Scanlon, Mary Byrne
Programme Membership
SG_VARDE_H08 202100 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Architectural Design SG_VARCH_H08 202200 Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) SG_VARCI_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Architectural Design

Architectural Context and Theory 3 continues the survey of key individuals, buildings, landscapes, urban settings emphasizing connections, contrasts, and influences of architectural movements throughout history with a focus on society and community. The module is divided into four components, Transformation: Urbanism (Society); Human Experience: Exteriority (Society); Place: Settlement (Community); Heritage: Conservation (Community). Through the use of case studies both International and Irish perspectives are presented. In parallel, the development of skills, including critical reading, research methods, essay writing and interpretation is an important part of this module. The learner is encouraged to self-direct and deepen their understanding of a subject of their choice. A field trip is an integral component.

The context modules provide the skills to research and analyse a range of issues related to architecture and introduces the core vision points of the programme: interpretation of place; the power of architecture to transform; the possibilities of reusing and adapting our built heritage; and human experience and perception of space. These modules provide the theoretical framework for the design projects.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Demonstrate an understanding that architectural practice may produce artefacts of long duration and significant impact on individuals, societies and the environment


Identify how the quality of architectural design is influenced by an understanding of the fine arts, including those specific to the local/prevailing culture


Reflect on how place, settlement and the Irish designed landscape have evolved over time.


Construct and articulate reasoned responses from available information and evidence through research, systematic analysis and evaluation of information

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The Teaching and Learning strategies for Architectural Context & Theory 3 comprises a series of 24 thematic lectures and weekly two hour seminar and/or tutorial based activities. Lectures supported by images and texts, provide the themes concepts and general context. Seminars offer opportunities for more detailed thematic analyses, visual and textual analyses and group discussion. Workshops allow for focused interaction, research methodologies and oral communication strategies. Fundamental skills of reading, analysis and academic writing will be developed, along with the communication of architectural ideas through evaluation of precedent through words and diagrams. Both individual and group work modes are utilised throughout.

Module Assessment Strategies

Coursework is assessed at the end of the semester through:

Seminar Presentation (35%)

Illustrated Essay (3,500 words) (65%)

Formative feedback is given throughout the Semester both verbally and in written form and Summative Feedback is given in written form at the end of the Semester.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessment will be dependent on failed components. This will be confirmed at formal exam boards.

Indicative Syllabus

Lectures and seminars are organized by the core vision points of the programme with a focus on both International and Irish history and theory. Each of the four themes are presented and discussed in lectures with case studies. Assigned readings on particular case studies will form part of the seminars.

Sample Architectural Context & Theory IV Schedule

Wk 1

Lecture 1: Module overview: Introduction; Transformation: Urbanism (Society); Human Experience: Exteriority (Society); Place: Settlement (Community); Heritage: Conservation (Community).

Transformation: Urbanism (Society)

Lecture 2: The Modernists

Seminar/Tutorial 1: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 2

Lecture 3: Garden City Movement and New Urbanists

Lecture 4: The Post Modernists

Seminar/Tutorial 2: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 3

Lecture 5: Archigram, Metabolism, Hi Tech

Lecture 6: Globalization and Local Identity

Seminar/Tutorial 3: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Human Experience: Exteriority (Society)

Wk 4

Lecture 7: Urban Acupuncture

Lecture 8: Environment and Behaviour: Social Engineering to Affordances

Seminar/Tutorial 4: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 5

Lecture 9: Artistic Principles, Townscape and Image

Lecture 10: Rationalism and Deconstructivism

Seminar/Tutorial 5: One to One Tutorials Assignment 1

Wk 6

Lecture 11: Landscape urbanism + Open City

Lecture 12: Design and Social Life of cities

Seminar/Tutorial 6: Seminar Presentation

Wk 7 - Field Trip

Place: Settlement (Community)

Wk 8

Lecture 13: Common Ground / Collective Territories / Free Space

Lecture 14: History of Settlement in Ireland

Seminar/Tutorial 8: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 9

Lecture 15: Development of the Irish Town

Lecture 16: Development of the Irish City

Seminar/Tutorial 9: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 10

Lecture 17: Suburbia/Housing (Villa, Estate)

Lecture 18: New Irish Architecture (Contemporary Irish Practice)

Seminar/Tutorial 10: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Heritage: Conservation (Community)

Wk 11

Lecture 19: Conservation: Irish Architecture and Society

Lecture 20: Architectural Styles + Periods

Seminar/Tutorial 11: Readings / Discussion / Academic Research and Writing Skills / Interpretation and Criticism

Wk 12

Lecture 21: Georgian Ireland

Lecture 22: Mid 20th‑century (1918‑1945)

Seminar/Tutorial 12: One to One Tutorials Assignment 2

Wk 13

Lecture 23: The Living City

Lecture 24: Shaping the future: Adaptation and Reuse

Seminar/Tutorial 13: Essay Submission

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Presentation Coursework Assessment Individual Project 35 % Week 7 2
2 Essay Formative Individual Project 65 % Week 13 1,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Workshop / Seminar Flat Classroom Seminar 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Awan, N., Schneider, T., & Till, J. (2011). Spatial agency: other ways of doing architecture. Abingdon, Oxon [England], Routledge.

Butlin, R.A. (1997) The Development of the Irish Town. London: Rowman and Littlefield.

Casey, C. (2010). The eighteenth-century Dublin town house: form, function and finance. Dublin, Four Courts.

Cook, P., & Chalk, W. (1972). Archigram. London, Studio Vista.

Corner, J. (2014). Landscape Imagination: Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010. Princeton Architectural Press.

Dargan, P. (2012). Exploring Georgian Limerick. Dublin, Ireland : The History Press Ireland.

Fishman, R. (2016). Urban utopias in the twentieth century Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.

Frampton, K., Ibelings, H., & Sola-Morales, M. D. (2008). Manuel De Sola-Morales A Matter Of Things. Rotterdam, Nai Uitgevers.

Galavan, S. (2017). The architecture of the Victorian suburb: Dublin's new streets in green fields. London, Routledge.

Krier, R., & Rowe, C. (1991). Urban space. London, Academy Editions.

Quinn, P. (1996). Temple Bar: the power of an idea. Dublin, Temple Bar Properties.

Rowe, C., & Koetter, F. (1983). Collage city. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.

Rossi, A. (2007). The architecture of the city. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.

Sennett, R. (1993) The Conscience Of The Eye: The Design And Social Life Of Cities. London, Faber and Faber.

Sert, J. L., & Mumford, E. P., & Frampton, K. (2002). The CIAM discourse on urbanism, 1928-1960. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.

Sitte, C., & Stewart, C. T. (2013). The art of building cities city building according to its artistic fundamentals. Nueva York (Estados Unidos), Reinhold Publishing Corporation.

Talen, E. (2006). New urbanism and American planning: the conflict of cultures. New York, Routledge.

Venturi, R., Scott Brown, D., & Izenour, S. (2017). Learning from Las Vegas. Cambridge, MA The MIT Press 2017

Venturi, R. (2014). Complexity and contradiction in architecture. New York, NY, Museum of Modern Art.

Journal Resources

see module handbook

URL Resources

see module handbook