ARCT07034 2022 Technology Studio 2
The module will further integrate architectural technologies into architectural design, relevant to medium scale framed buildings, primarily based on studio design work and practical exercises. The emphasis of the module is on developing structural, constructional and conservation strategies, analysing and selecting structural systems, building elements, materials and building envelope solutions, and construction methods and detailing. Through lectures, workshops and technology studio work, the student will learn about the principles of various structural systems, the functional layers of the building envelope and the material composition and performance of building elements, to facilitate an understanding of the integration of technology in the development of design proposals into built form.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Define and represent by technical drawing, the architectural technologies employed in a medium scale building project.
Integrate complex aspects of building technology into their studio projects.
Articulate through architectural drawing, modelling and testing environmental management strategies namely; passive or mechanical systems, heating, water and electrical services integration.
Interpret technical requirements for the selection and specification of appropriate materials to realise design ideas.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of relevant environmental issues and building services.
Integrate relevant building regulations, codes and standards relating to a building construction detail, assembly or system employed in a medium scale framed building.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Technology is taught using a combination of lectures, presentations, theoretical discussion and practical based tutorials, workshops, projects, fieldwork and visits. Both individual and group work modes are utilised throughout.
Module Assessment Strategies
Student's must pass the Design Studio Technical Study. this assessment is performance‑orientated and formative modes are used during the process of project work to endeavour to provide constructive feedback. The emphasis in assessment is on: responding contextually; technical design integration; three‑dimensional problem solving skills; communication skills; technical analysis, acceptance of responsibility for learning, and the use of a broad range of learning resources.
Repeat Assessments
Repeat assessment will be dependent on failed components. This will be confirmed at formal exam boards.
Indicative Syllabus
Lecture 1: Siteworks:
Site Layout Considerations / Levels / Utilities / Drainage / Setting Out / Site Structures / Site Hard & Soft Landscaping, Technical Detailing.
Lecture 2: Building Sub-Structure:
Foundations – Functions, Materials , Sizing Types, Basements, Retaining Walls / Gabions, Groundwater Control, Technical Detailing.
Lecture 3: Building Super-structure 1:
Re-Inforced Concrete Slabs & Concrete Framed Structures / Precast / Prestressed/ Cast In-situ / Portal Frames / Portal Frames / Service Cores - Technical Detailing.
Lecture 4: Building Super-structure 2:
Structural Steel Frames / Sections/ Beams/Connections / Fire Protection / Column & Beam Design / Secondary Steel Structure - Technical Detailing.
Lecture 5: Building Super-structure 3:
Composite Timber Beams / Laminated Timber / Composite Joists - Technical Detailing.
Lecture 6: Building Materials:
Framed Buildings and Fabric Envelope, Common building materials used for framed building technologies.
Field Trip Week.
Lecture 7: External Wall Cladding Systems 1:
Non- load bearing brick panel walls / Panel Façade systems / concrete cladding systems
Lecture 8: External Wall Cladding Systems 2:
Rainscreen Cladding – Types /Features/ systems / Secondary Support Framing / Weathering / Insulation – Technical Detailing (Metal profile and composite panels / Natural stone / Terracotta / Fibre Cement)
Lecture 9: External Wall Cladding Systems 3:
Glazed Cladding / Curtain Walling / Structural Glazing - Technical Detailing
Lecture 10: Flat / Low Pitch Roof Construction 1: Roof Sheet Coverings: aluminium, steel, zinc, copper, Types / Application of Building Regulations / Structure / Decking / Thermal Insulation – Cold & Warm Roofs / Condensation / Waterproofing Systems / Drainage / Detailing.
Lecture 11: Flat / Low Pitch Roof Construction 2:
Membrane Coverings – bituminous, Single Ply, Liquid Applied Coatings, Types / Application of Building Regulations / Structure / Decking / Thermal Insulation – Cold & Warm Roofs / Condensation / Waterproofing Systems / Surface Protection Systems / Drainage / Detailing, Green Roofs / Rooflights.
Lecture 12: Internal Elements Construction:
Access Floors, Ceilings / Suspended Ceilings, Partitions / Dry-lining, Doors / Fire Doors, Stairs, Fire Protection/Fire Resisting Construction / Joinery / Finishes.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Design Studio (Technical Study) | Project | Project | 80 % | End of Semester | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
2 | Interior Environment & Services Study | Project | Project | 15 % | End of Semester | 3,5,6 |
3 | Design Specification & Materials Board | Project | Project | 5 % | Start of Semester | 4,6 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Supervision | Architectural Studio | Technology Studio | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Supervision | Architectural Studio | Technology Tutorial | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Independent Learning | Architectural Studio | Self Directed Study | 6 | Weekly | 6.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2017-09 Facade Construction Manual
ISBN 3955533697 ISBN-13 9783955533694
2011-09-21 Detail in Contemporary Glass Architecture Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1856697401 ISBN-13 9781856697408
Following the success of the earlier titles in this series, Detail in Contemporary Glass Architecture provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in modern glass architecture. Featuring the work of renowned architects from around the world, this book presents 50 of the most recently completed and influential glass designs for residential, public and commercial architecture. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections and elevations, as well as numerous construction details. There is also a descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project, including the location, client, architectural project team, main consultants and contractors. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All of the drawings are styled in the same consistent way and presented at standard architectural scales to allow for easy comparison. There is also a CD-ROM which contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats. In addition the book features an index of architects that includes the name, address and all contact details for each architect. Detail in Contemporary Glass Architecture is an excellent reference work for practising architects as well as architecture and design students.
2012-11-07 Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780670095 ISBN-13 9781780670096
Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in modern concrete architecture. Featuring the work of renowned architects from around the world, this book presents 49 of the most recently completed and influential concrete designs for both residential and commercial architecture. Each project is presented with color photographs, site plans, and sections and elevations, as well as numerous construction details. There is also descriptive text, detailed captions, and in-depth information for each project. A bonus CD-ROM contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats.
2015-09-08 Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780676557 ISBN-13 9781780676555
Architectural detailing is what makes a design unique, and an architect outstanding. Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in modern timber architecture. Featuring the work of renowned architects from around the world, this book presents 50 of the most recently completed and influential timber designs for both residential and commercial architecture. Each project is presented with color photographs, site plans and sections and elevations, as well as numerous construction details. There is also a descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project, including the location, client, architectural project team, main consultants and contractors. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All of the drawings are styled consistently and presented at standard architectural scales to allow for easy comparison. There is also a CD-ROM which contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats. In addition the book features an index of architects that includes the name, address and all contact details for each architect included. Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture is an excellent reference work for practising architects as well as architecture and design students.
2016-08-23 Manual of Section Princeton Architectural Press
ISBN 1616892552 ISBN-13 9781616892555
Along with plan and elevation, section is one of the essential representational techniques of architectural design; among architects and educators, debates about a project's section are common and often intense. Until now, however, there has been no framework to describe or evaluate it. Manual of Section fills this void. Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis have developed seven categories of section, revealed in structures ranging from simple one-story buildings to complex structures featuring stacked forms, fantastical shapes, internal holes, inclines, sheared planes, nested forms, or combinations thereof. To illustrate these categories, the authors construct sixty-three intricately detailed cross-section perspective drawings of built projectsmany of the most significant structures in international architecture from the last one hundred yearsbased on extensive archival research. Manual of Section also includes smart and accessible essays on the history and uses of section.
2018 Rem Koolhaas Taschen
ISBN 3836556146 ISBN-13 9783836556149
"Une mine d'or parcourir encore et toujours, un de ces livres qui fournira aux btisseurs actuels et futurs de notre monde tout le savoir dont ils ont besoin pour aborder les questions actuelles et celles auxquelles ils seront confronts". ArchDaily Architecture is a compelling mixture of stability and flux. In its solid forms, time and space collide, amalgamating distant influences, elements that have been around for over 5, 000 years and others that were (re-)invented yesterday. Elements of Architecture focuses on the fragments of the rich and complex architectural collage. Window, facade, balcony, corridor, fireplace, stair, escalator, elevator : The book seeks to excavate the micro-narratives of building detail. The result is no single history, but rather the web of origins, contaminations, similarities, and differences in architectural evolution, including the influence of technological advances, climactic adaptation, political calculation, economic contexts, regulatory requirements, and new digital regimes. Derived from Koolhaas' exhaustive and much-lauded exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, this is an essential toolkit to understanding the pieces, parts, and fundamentals that comprise structure around the globe. Designed by Irma Boom, the book contains essays from Rem Koolhaas, Stephan Trueby, Manfredo di Robilant, and Jeffrey Inaba; interviews with Werner Sobek and Tony Fadell (of Nest); and an exclusive photo essay by Wolfgang Tillmans.
2012-09-19 Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780670230 ISBN-13 9781780670232
Featuring many of the world's most highly acclaimed landscape architects, this book presents 40 of the most recently completed and influential landscape designs. Each project is presented with color photographs, site plans and sections as well as numerous consistently styled construction details. Intended for architects, engineers and landscape architects, the book will also be invaluable for architecture, garden and landscape design students, for whom it will be a resource not only for understanding the work of the best contemporary landscape architects, but also as a tool for their own design work.
Building Construction Handbook Routledge
20/08/2019 CONSTRUCTING ARCHITECTURE: Materials Processes, Structures; A Handbook Birkhauser Verlag AG
2005 Structure as Architecture Routledge
ISBN 9780750665278 ISBN-13 0750665270
Structure As Architecture provides readers with an accessible insight into the relationship between structure and architecture, focusing on the design principles that relate to both fields. Over one hundred case studies of contemporary buildings from countries across the globe including the UK, the US, France, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong and Australia are interspersed throughout the book. The author has visited and photographed each of these examples and analyzed them to show how structure plays a significant architectural role, as well as bearing loads. This is a highly illustrated sourcebook, providing a new insight into the role of structure, and discussing the point where the technical and the aesthetic meet to create the discipline of 'architecture'. * Presents a comprehensive analysis of how building structure contributes to architecture * Connects architectural design ideas and structure in the context of contemporary architecture, materials and structure * Highly illustrated, providing a sourcebook of architectural and engineering design ideas
Module Resources
see book list
see module handbook
see module handbook
Refer to Architecture Space and Resource provision Handbook.
Dedicated studio space for each student registered on the the academic year of the BArch programme.
Including but not limited to:
Drawing Board, Layout space, wall space, drawing/model storage, materials storage.
Printing and scanning facilities (A0, A1, A2, A3).
Model Making benches, cutting surfaces, hand tools, lazer cutters, 3Dprinters
Technology/Materials Lab
Critique space
General and Archive storage.